18 research outputs found

    Multi-scale dynamics and rheology of mantle flow with plates

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    Fundamental issues in our understanding of plate and mantle dynamics remain unresolved, including the rheology and state of stress of plates and slabs; the coupling between plates, slabs and mantle; and the flow around slabs. To address these questions, models of global mantle flow with plates are computed using adaptive finite elements, and compared to a variety of observational constraints. The dynamically consistent instantaneous models include a composite rheology with yielding, and incorporate details of the thermal buoyancy field. Around plate boundaries, the local resolution is 1 km, which allows us to study highly detailed features in a globally consistent framework. Models that best fit plateness criteria and plate motion data have strong slabs with high stresses. We find a strong dependence of global plate motions, trench rollback, net rotation, plateness, and strain rate on the stress exponent in the nonlinear viscosity; the yield stress is found to be important only if it is smaller than the ambient convective stress. Due to strong coupling between plates, slabs, and the surrounding mantle, the presence of lower mantle anomalies affect plate motions. The flow in and around slabs, microplate motion, and trench rollback are intimately linked to the amount of yielding in the subducting slab hinge, slab morphology, and the presence of high viscosity structures in the lower mantle beneath the slab

    Slab stress and strain rate as constraints on global mantle flow

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    Dynamically consistent global models of mantle convection with plates are developed that are consistent with detailed constraints on the state of stress and strain rate from deep focus earthquakes. Models that best fit plateness criteria and plate motion data have strong slabs that have high stresses. The regions containing the M_W 8.3 Bolivia and M_W 7.6 Tonga 1994 events are considered in detail. Modeled stress orientations match stress patterns from earthquake focal mechanisms. A yield stress of at least 100 MPa is required to fit plate motions and matches the minimum stress requirement obtained from the stress drop for the Bolivia 1994 deep focus event. The minimum strain rate determined from seismic moment release in the Tonga slab provides an upper limit of ~200 MPa on the strength in the slab

    Large-scale adaptive mantle convection simulation

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    A new generation, parallel adaptive-mesh mantle convection code, Rhea, is described and benchmarked. Rhea targets large-scale mantle convection simulations on parallel computers, and thus has been developed with a strong focus on computational efficiency and parallel scalability of both mesh handling and numerical solvers. Rhea builds mantle convection solvers on a collection of parallel octree-based adaptive finite element libraries that support new distributed data structures and parallel algorithms for dynamic coarsening, refinement, rebalancing and repartitioning of the mesh. In this study we demonstrate scalability to 122 880 compute cores and verify correctness of the implementation. We present the numerical approximation and convergence properties using 3-D benchmark problems and other tests for variable-viscosity Stokes flow and thermal convection

    Torsion of a cylinder of partially molten rock with a spherical inclusion: Theory and simulation

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    The processes that are involved in migration and extraction of melt from the mantle are not yet fully understood. Gaining a better understanding of material properties of partially molten rock could help shed light on the behavior of melt on larger scales in the mantle. In this study, we simulate three-dimensional torsional deformation of a partially molten rock that contains a rigid, spherical inclusion. We compare the computed porosity patterns to those found in recent laboratory experiments. The laboratory experiments show emergence of melt-rich bands throughout the rock sample, and pressure shadows around the inclusion. The numerical model displays similar melt-rich bands only for a small bulk-to-shear-viscosity ratio (five or less). The results are consistent with earlier two-dimensional numerical simulations; however, we show that it is easier to form melt-rich bands in three dimensions compared to two. The addition of strain-rate dependence of the viscosity causes a distinct change in the shape of pressure shadows around the inclusion. This change in shape presents an opportunity for experimentalists to identify the strain-rate dependence and therefore the dominant deformation mechanism in torsion experiments with inclusions

    Torsion of a cylinder of partially molten rock with a spherical inclusion: Theory and simulation

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    The processes that are involved in migration and extraction of melt from the mantle are not yet fully understood. Gaining a better understanding of material properties of partially molten rock could help shed light on the behavior of melt on larger scales in the mantle. In this study, we simulate three-dimensional torsional deformation of a partially molten rock that contains a rigid, spherical inclusion. We compare the computed porosity patterns to those found in recent laboratory experiments. The laboratory experiments show emergence of melt-rich bands throughout the rock sample, and pressure shadows around the inclusion. The numerical model displays similar melt-rich bands only for a small bulk-to-shear-viscosity ratio (five or less). The results are consistent with earlier two-dimensional numerical simulations; however, we show that it is easier to form melt-rich bands in three dimensions compared to two. The addition of strain-rate dependence of the viscosity causes a distinct change in the shape of pressure shadows around the inclusion. This change in shape presents an opportunity for experimentalists to identify the strain-rate dependence and therefore the dominant deformation mechanism in torsion experiments with inclusions.This work was supported by the UK Natural Environment Research Council under grants NE/I023929/1 and NE/I026995/1. Computations were performed on the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service (http://www.archer.ac.uk). We thank Chris Richardson for all his support with running the simulations on ARCHER. Katz thanks the Leverhulme Trust for support.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/2015GC00606

    Multi-Scale Dynamics and Rheology of Mantle Convection with Plates

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    Fundamental issues in our understanding of plate and mantle dynamics remain unresolved, including the rheology and state of stress of plates and slabs; the coupling between plates, slabs and mantle; the small-scale dynamics in subduction zones; the flow around slabs; and the cause of rapid changes in plate motions. To address these questions, models of global mantle flow with plates are computed using adaptive finite elements, and compared to a variety of observational constraints. These dynamically consistent instantaneous models include a composite rheology with yielding, and incorporate details of the thermal buoyancy field. Around plate boundaries, the local mesh size is 1 km, which allows us to study highly detailed features in a globally consistent framework. Models that best fit plateness criteria and plate motion data have strong slabs with high viscosities around 1024 Pa s, and stresses of ~100 MPa. We find a strong dependence of global plate motions, trench rollback, net rotation, plateness, and strain rate on the stress exponent in the nonlinear viscosity; the yield stress is found to be important only if it is smaller than the ambient convective stress. Due to strong coupling between plates, slabs, and the surrounding mantle, the presence of lower mantle anomalies affect plate motions. The flow in and around slabs, microplate motion, and trench rollback are intimately linked to the amount of yielding in the subducting slab hinge, slab morphology, and the presence of high viscosity structures in the lower mantle beneath the slab. The lateral flow around slabs is generally trench-perpendicular, induced by the strongly coupled downward motion of the subducting slabs, and therefore our models do not account for the trench-parallel flow inferred from shear-wave splitting analysis. Flow models before and after the plate reorganization around 50 Ma are not able to reproduce the rapid change in Pacific plate motion from northwest to west that is associated with the bend in the Hawaiian-Emperor chain, despite a nonlinear rheology and the incorporation of detailed reconstructed paleo plate boundaries and age grids. In these models at 55 and 45 Ma, slab age is an impor- tant factor in the slab pull, determining the coupling between plates and slabs and between upper and lower mantle sections of slabs. The overall dynamics appear to be dominated by the characteristics of slab remnants in the lower mantle. Subducting slabs affect lateral flow in the upper mantle on a much smaller scale, and therefore we conclude that it is unlikely that the slabs in the western Pacific are responsible for the slowing of sub-Pacific flow after the initiation of their subduction around 50 Ma

    Large-scale adaptive mantle convection simulation

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    A new generation, parallel adaptive-mesh mantle convection code, Rhea, is described and benchmarked. Rhea targets large-scale mantle convection simulations on parallel computers, and thus has been developed with a strong focus on computational efficiency and parallel scalability of both mesh handling and numerical solvers. Rhea builds mantle convection solvers on a collection of parallel octree-based adaptive finite element libraries that support new distributed data structures and parallel algorithms for dynamic coarsening, refinement, rebalancing and repartitioning of the mesh. In this study we demonstrate scalability to 122 880 compute cores and verify correctness of the implementation. We present the numerical approximation and convergence properties using 3-D benchmark problems and other tests for variable-viscosity Stokes flow and thermal convection

    Compaction around a rigid, circular inclusion in partially molten rock

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    Conservation laws that describe the behavior of partially molten mantle rock have been established for several decades, but the associated rheology remains poorly understood. Constraints on the rheology may be obtained from recently published experiments involving deformation of partially molten rock around a rigid, spherical inclusion. These experiments give rise to patterns of melt segregation that exhibit the competing effects of pressure shadows and melt-rich bands. Such patterns provide an opportunity to infer rheological parameters through comparison with models based on the conservation laws and constitutive relations that hypothetically govern the system. To this end, we have developed software tools to simulate finite strain, two-phase flow around a circular inclusion in a configuration that mirrors the experiments. Simulations indicate that the evolution of porosity is predominantly controlled by the porosity-weakening exponent of the shear viscosity and the poorly known bulk viscosity. In two-dimensional simulations presented here, we find that the balance of pressure shadows and melt-rich bands observed in experiments only occurs for bulk-to-shear viscosity ratio of less than about five. However, the evolution of porosity in simulations with such low bulk viscosity exceeds physical bounds at unrealistically small strain due to the unchecked, exponential growth of the porosity variations. Processes that limit or balance porosity localization should be incorporated in the formulation of the model to produce results that are consistent with the porosity evolution in experiments

    Multi-scale dynamics and rheology of mantle flow with plates

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    Fundamental issues in our understanding of plate and mantle dynamics remain unresolved, including the rheology and state of stress of plates and slabs; the coupling between plates, slabs and mantle; and the flow around slabs. To address these questions, models of global mantle flow with plates are computed using adaptive finite elements, and compared to a variety of observational constraints. The dynamically consistent instantaneous models include a composite rheology with yielding, and incorporate details of the thermal buoyancy field. Around plate boundaries, the local resolution is 1 km, which allows us to study highly detailed features in a globally consistent framework. Models that best fit plateness criteria and plate motion data have strong slabs with high stresses. We find a strong dependence of global plate motions, trench rollback, net rotation, plateness, and strain rate on the stress exponent in the nonlinear viscosity; the yield stress is found to be important only if it is smaller than the ambient convective stress. Due to strong coupling between plates, slabs, and the surrounding mantle, the presence of lower mantle anomalies affect plate motions. The flow in and around slabs, microplate motion, and trench rollback are intimately linked to the amount of yielding in the subducting slab hinge, slab morphology, and the presence of high viscosity structures in the lower mantle beneath the slab